Rule 1403 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to have an asbestos survey prior to any demolition or renovation?

Yes. An asbestos survey report signed by an asbestos consultant is required prior to any demolition or renovation. See Rule 1403(d)(1)(A).

Can anybody remove asbestos from a building if there is less than 100 square feet of asbestos present?

Only asbestos removal contractors listed at The Cal/OSHA Asbestos Registration are allowed to remove asbestos in the State of California.

I am a contractor; can I remove asbestos if there is less than 100 square feet of it?

Only asbestos removal contractors listed at The Cal/OSHA Asbestos Registration are allowed to remove asbestos in the State of California.

What is a demolition?

Rule 1403 defines a demolition as the wrecking, or taking out, of any load-supporting structural member, including, but not limited to, the foundation, roof support structures, or any exterior wall of a facility or structure and related handling operations, or the intentional burning of any facility. This means that if you remove as little as one (1) two-by-four from a load-bearing wall, it is considered a demolition. Other examples of load-bearing members include foundation, slab, rafters, porch pillars, etc.

What is a renovation?

Rule 1403 defines renovation as the altering of a facility or the removing or stripping of one or more facility (structure) components in any way, including but not limited to, the stripping or removal of ACM from facility components, retrofitting for fire protection, and the installation or removal HVAC systems.

My house was built in the 1980s or later and I know it has no asbestos; do I still have to have it surveyed?

Yes. Regardless of the date of the building construction, and because of potential unknown renovations, Rule 1403(d)(1)(A) requires an asbestos survey report prior to demolition to determine and verify the absence or presence of asbestos.

Who should fill out the Notification? Who needs to file the Asbestos Removal or Demolition Notification?

The Contractor(s) that will remove asbestos and/or demolish the building. Contractors are required to use the Rule 1403 Asbestos Notifications Web Application to submit Notifications for asbestos removal and/or demolition.

Can I remove asbestos myself?

DIY asbestos removal can be extremely dangerous. It should be handled by certified professionals.
Asbestos removal is not a DIY job – it requires expert handling, compliance with local laws, and proper disposal. At WDR Contracting, we provide safe, and professional asbestos removal services in Los Angeles County and surrounding areas . Don’t take risks with asbestos exposure. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and protect your health!

What is a Procedure 5?

Asbestos Procedure 5 Plans are required to clean-up any disturbed Asbestos Containing Materials – learn more by clicking here

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